Amazon Vendor Central vs. Seller Central: Which One Should You Choose?

Adam Wilkens


Choosing between Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central can be confusing for new sellers. Understanding the distinct roles and benefits of each program is crucial for making the right decision for your business. In this post, we'll provide a comprehensive breakdown of Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central, empowering you to select the path that best aligns with your goals.

Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central - Definations and Features

Confused about which Amazon program is right for you? This guide breaks down the key distinctions between Vendor Central (invitation-only, wholesale model) and Seller Central (open to all, marketplace model) to help you choose between the Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central.

What is Amazon Seller Central?

First, let’s take a moment to explain to you what Amazon Seller Central is and why it is essential for your brand's growth. Amazon Seller Central is a platform that allows businesses to sell their products directly to customers on Amazon. With this platform, you can create and manage your product listings, handle customer inquiries, and monitor your sales and inventory.

Amazon Seller Central is the perfect solution if you're a brand owner looking to sell your products online. Here are some reasons why you should consider using this platform to grow your brand:

Access to millions of customers, Amazon has over 300 million active customers worldwide, and by selling your products on the platform, you'll have access to this massive customer base. With such a vast audience, you'll have a better chance of reaching potential customers interested in your products.

Trusted Brand:

Amazon is a well-known and respected brand that customers trust. By selling your products on Amazon, you'll automatically gain some of that trust and credibility, making it easier for customers to them out products.

Easy to Use:

Amazon Seller Central is straightforward, even for beginners. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with step-by-step instructions and tutorials to help you get started.


Selling your products on Amazon is a cost-effective way to reach more customers. With Amazon, you don't have to worry about doing your e-commerce website or paying for expensive advertising. You only pay for the products you sell, making it an affordable way to expand your brand's reach.

Increased Brand Visibility:

By selling on Amazon, you'll increase your brand's visibility. Amazon is one of the most popular e-commerce websites in the world, and having your products listed on the platform will expose your brand to millions of potential customers.

Access to Marketing Tools:

Amazon offers a range of marketing tools to help you promote your products and grow your brand. You can create sponsored product ads, run deals and promotions, and participate in Amazon's loyalty program, Amazon Prime.

FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon):

Amazon's FBA program allows you to store your products in Amazon's warehouses, and Amazon takes care of the packing, shipping, and customer service. This makes managing your inventory and fulfilling orders easier, freeing up your time to focus on growing your brand.

Customer Insights:

Amazon provides valuable customer insights to help you improve your products and grow your brand. You can see customer reviews and ratings, giving valuable feedback on what customers like and don't like about your products.

These are just a few benefits of using Amazon Seller Central to sell your products. By using this platform, you'll have access to millions of customers, increase your brand visibility, and access valuable marketing tools and customer insights.

But using Amazon Seller Central is not just about selling your products; it's about building a relationship with your customers. Amazon customers are looking for high-quality products and excellent customer service. If you can provide that, you'll build a loyal customer base that will continue to support your brand.

Tips for Using Amazon Seller Central to Build Your Brand

Optimize your product listings: Your product listings are the first thing customers see when they search for your products on Amazon. Ensure your listings are optimized with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and accurate product information.

Monitor your reviews: Customer reviews can make or break your brand. Monitor your reviews regularly and respond to customer feedback, whether it's positive or negative. Use customer feedback to improve your products and customer service.

Use Amazon's marketing tools: Amazon offers a range of marketing tools such as Vine, A+ Content, Video upload, store builder, and more.

What is Amazon Vendor Central?

Amazon Vendor Central is a platform that allows businesses to sell their products to Amazon as a supplier rather than selling directly to customers. Essentially, Amazon becomes the retailer, and your business becomes the supplier. When you use Vendor Central, you'll sell your products to Amazon at wholesale prices, and Amazon will handle the rest, including inventory management, pricing, and shipping.

Why You Might Consider Using Amazon Vendor Central

Access to Amazon's Vast Customer Base:

By selling your products through Vendor Central, you'll have access to Amazon's massive customer base. With over 300 million active customers worldwide, Amazon has a reach that few other retailers can match.

Increased Sales Volume:

Selling through Vendor Central can increase sales volume. Since Amazon is the retailer, they can buy your products in bulk, resulting in higher order volumes and increased revenue for your business.

Improved Cash Flow:

When you sell through Vendor Central, Amazon pays you for your products within 60 days, which can help improve your cash flow. This is especially helpful for businesses needing help with cash flow issues due to slow-paying customers.

Access to Marketing Tools:

Amazon offers a range of marketing tools to help you promote your products and increase sales. This includes Amazon Advertising, which allows you to create sponsored ads for your products, and Amazon Vine, which helps you generate customer reviews.

Streamlined Operations:

When you sell through Vendor Central, Amazon handles many operational aspects of selling your products, including pricing, shipping, and customer service. This can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as product development or marketing.

Better Insights into Customer Behavior:

Amazon provides valuable insights into customer behavior, including purchase history, customer reviews, and search queries. This information can help you better understand your customers and improve your products and marketing strategies.

Vendor Central can be an excellent option for businesses looking to increase sales volume, improve cash flow, and streamline operations. By selling to Amazon as a supplier, you'll have access to Amazon's vast customer base and marketing tools, which can help you grow your brand.

However, it's important to note that there are some downsides to using Vendor Central. For example, Amazon has significant bargaining power and may negotiate for lower prices, impacting your profit margins. Additionally, Amazon has strict requirements for its suppliers, including compliance with specific quality standards and product safety regulations.

If you're considering using Amazon Vendor Central, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons and ensure that it's the right choice for your business. Consider using a hybrid approach, where you sell some products through Vendor Central and others through Seller Central, to take advantage of the benefits of both platforms.

In conclusion, Amazon Vendor Central is a platform that allows businesses to sell their products to Amazon as a supplier rather than selling directly to customers. Vendor Central gives you access to Amazon's vast customer base, increased sales volume, improved cash flow, and valuable customer insights. However, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons and ensure it's the right choice for your business.

Amazon Seller Central vs Vendor Central - Comparison

Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central are two different platforms Amazon offers for businesses to sell their products. While both platforms allow businesses to sell their products on Amazon, they have some significant differences in how they operate and the benefits they offer.

Amazon Seller vs Vendor Central - Key Differences

Ownership and Control:

With Amazon Seller Central, businesses retain ownership and control over their products and customer relationships. They sell their products directly to customers, set their prices, and handle inventory management and shipping. With Amazon Vendor Central, businesses sell their products to Amazon as a supplier, and Amazon becomes the retailer, setting the prices, managing inventory, and handling shipping and customer service.

Payment Terms:

With Amazon Seller Central, businesses receive payment for their products immediately after the sale. With Amazon Vendor Central, businesses are paid within 60 days of invoicing, which can impact cash flow.

Price Negotiation:

With Amazon Seller Central, businesses can control their pricing strategy and adjust their prices as they see fit. With Amazon Vendor Central, Amazon has significant bargaining power and may negotiate for lower prices, impacting profit margins.

Marketing Tools:

Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central offer a range of marketing tools to help businesses promote their products and increase sales. However, the tools available through Vendor Central are typically more advanced and geared toward larger businesses with more complex needs.

Eligibility Requirements:

To sell on Amazon Seller Central, businesses must create an account and list their products. However, to sell on Amazon Vendor Central, businesses must meet specific eligibility requirements, including compliance with quality standards and product safety regulations.

Amazon Vendor Central vs Seller Central - Which Platform is Right for Your Business?

It depends on your goals and your business model. Amazon Seller Central may be the best option if you're a small business with limited resources and want to retain ownership and control over your products. It allows you to set your prices and manage your inventory and shipping, and you receive payment for your products immediately after the sale.

Suppose you're a more significant business with more complex needs and want to take advantage of Amazon's vast customer base, advanced marketing tools, and streamlined operations. In that case, Amazon Vendor Central may be the better option. While Amazon has significant bargaining power and payment terms may impact cash flow, businesses can benefit from increased sales volume, improved brand recognition, and valuable customer insights.

It's also worth noting that some businesses may use both platforms, selling some products through Seller Central and others through Vendor Central. This allows businesses to take advantage of the unique benefits of each platform and diversify their sales channels.


In conclusion, Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central offer unique benefits and drawbacks for businesses looking to sell their products on Amazon. Understanding the critical differences between the two platforms and assessing your business needs can help you determine which platform is right for your business. Whether you use Seller Central, Vendor Central, or a combination of both, selling on Amazon can be a great way to reach new customers and grow your brand. For expert guidance and support in navigating these platforms, consider leveraging the expertise of an Amazon consulting agency.