Amazon SEO Services


Amazon SEO – Rank Higher In Search With Better Keywords

The Amazon algorithm which determines how customers find you based on search results (SERP) is known as a9. Understanding how to manipulate the algorithm in order to rank higher in Category and Brand related terms is a science, and we are good at it. They key to more people finding you is to make the system work to your advantage, which can be a struggle for many amateurs. Ask us how we do it with our Amazon SEO Services.

How Are Products Discovered On Amazon?

Few people truly understand what fields actually determine discoverability on That holy trinity is your product title, bullet features, and product description. If you are lacking in these three areas, your products will struggle to gain or maintain relevance unless there is heavy demand for that exact product by product name or brand name. IE – Nike, Apple, etc – In these examples there is large demand and household familiarity with the brand, so much that people actively seek the product out by name. For new brands you will not have this yet but will be forced to compete with these brands on the same category-terms.

TITLE – A well written product title rich with relevant keywords is the number one most important thing on any detail page. Amazon generally allows 200-characters for this field, but some categories are only 150 or 50. We recommend you front load the most relevant keywords at the beginning of this field, and avoid using redundant words throughout.

BULLET FEATURES – Bullet Features help describe the top five most important product details of your product. The key to being successful with these fields are to also cross reference high-value keywords which appears in your product title. These top terms should be the beginning of each bullet string and also mentioned in alternative methods throughout the bullets. Each bullet features is allowed 250 characters with spaces.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION – The long product description is a field which is up to 2000 characters long, and incidentally is the only field which allows basic HTML functions such as bold, italic, and page breaking commands. Your product description also should contain the same high value keywords as your title and product description, but in sentence and paragraph form. Avoid using short 1-2 sentence product descriptions. You want to maximize this field and avoid fluff words that will not aid in people locating this product.

KEYWORDS – on the back end you are allowed to input several hidden keywords, it may seem like a redundancy but these keywords also aid some level of relevance when they match terms used in the three above places. Avoid repeating words in the keywords. If we were selling our services as a product, a good example would be: ‘Amazon Seller Central FBA Vendor AMS Brand Registry Agency Agent Management Consulting Consultant Relevance Search Sales ASIN’


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