Are Amazon Sales Down? Why It Happened

Adam Wilkens


The e-commerce titan, Amazon, constantly faces scrutiny regarding its sales performance. The question of "are Amazon sales down" has recently gained traction, particularly for third-party sellers utilizing Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) services. This blog post dives into this topic, aiming to separate perception from reality. We'll explore potential reasons behind any reported sales decline and provide successful strategies for third-party sellers to thrive on the Amazon marketplace.

First, let's define what we mean by "Amazon sales down." A few different metrics can be used to measure Amazon's sales figures, including revenue, units sold, and market share. This post will focus on revenue, as this is the most commonly reported metric.

According to a report from eMarketer, Amazon's share of US e-commerce sales declined slightly in 2020, from 38.5% in 2019 to 37.9% in 2020. However, it's worth noting that Amazon's overall revenue still grew significantly in 2020, with net sales increasing by 38% year-over-year to reach $386 billion.

So, while Amazon's share of the e-commerce market may have dipped slightly, the company's overall revenue is still on an upward trajectory. That said, there have been reports of third-party sellers experiencing a downturn in sales, particularly those who use Amazon's FBA and FBM services.

One possible explanation for this is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Demand for certain products surged as more people turned to online shopping during the pandemic, leading to supply chain disruptions and inventory shortages. This may have affected the sales of third-party sellers who rely on Amazon's fulfillment services to store and ship their products.

Another factor contributing to a downturn in third-party seller sales is increased competition on the platform. As Amazon continues to expand its private label offerings, some third-party sellers may need help to stand out and compete effectively.

Are People Spending Less Money on Amazon Right Now?

However, it's worth noting that is a central online marketplace that sees significant sales volume regularly. While there may be fluctuations in sales volume over time, many consumers will likely continue to shop on the platform for various products and services.

That said, external factors such as changes in the economy, consumer behavior, and competition can impact sales volume on the platform. Some consumers may need to spend more on due to changes in their financial situations or shifts in their shopping habits.

Ultimately, the success of individual sellers on will depend on a range of factors, including their pricing strategies, advertising tactics, product offerings, and broader market conditions and trends. It's essential for sellers to regularly evaluate their sales performance and adjust their strategies as needed to stay competitive and responsive to changing conditions on the platform. Similarly, consumers should continue monitoring their spending habits and evaluate whether shopping on is the best option for their needs and budgets.

Are Sellers Spending Less Money on Amazon Ads?

During an economic downturn, companies may be more likely to reduce their advertising spending, as they may need to prioritize cost-cutting measures to weather the difficult economic conditions. This is because advertising can be a significant expense for many businesses, and reducing spending in this area can help to offset declining revenues and maintain profitability.

That said, the relationship between economic conditions and advertising spending can be complex, and there may be instances where companies increase their advertising spending in response to changing market conditions. For example, some companies may see an economic downturn as an opportunity to increase their market share by aggressively investing in advertising and promoting their products or services.

Ultimately, reducing or increasing advertising spending during an economic downturn will depend on various factors, including the company's financial position, competitive landscape, and overall business strategy. It's essential for companies to regularly evaluate their marketing and advertising strategies and adjust them as needed to stay competitive and responsive to changing market conditions.

Are Amazon Sales Down: Fact or Fiction for Third-Party Sellers?

The question of Amazon sales going down, particularly for third-party sellers using FBA or FBM, has recently sparked discussions. While definitive data regarding a platform-wide slump remains elusive, anecdotal reports from some sellers suggest a slowdown. This blog post aims to separate fact from fiction. We'll delve into potential contributing factors, explore reliable indicators for sales performance, and equip third-party sellers with actionable strategies to navigate any perceived sales dip and achieve success on the Amazon marketplace.

Have the Amazon Seller Fees Increased Again?

It’s worth noting that Amazon has adjusted its fee structure in the past and may do so again in the future in response to market conditions or to reflect the evolving needs of its seller and buyer communities.

That said, Amazon offers a range of fee structures and pricing options for sellers. The fees will depend on several factors, including the product category, selling plan, and fulfillment method. It's essential for sellers to evaluate their pricing strategies carefully and to regularly review their fee structure to ensure that they are maximizing their profits while remaining competitive on the platform.

Ultimately, the success of individual sellers on Amazon will depend on a range of factors, including their pricing strategies, product offerings, and customer service, as well as broader market conditions and competition on the platform. It's essential for sellers to stay informed about changes in the Amazon ecosystem and to adapt their strategies as needed to stay competitive and responsive to changing conditions.

Do Sellers Raise Prices When the Platform Increases Their Selling Fees?

When a platform like Amazon increases its selling fees, some sellers may respond by raising their prices to maintain their profit margins. This is because increased fees mean sellers will have to pay more to sell their products on the platform, which can eat into their profits if they do not adjust their pricing accordingly.

That said, raising prices in response to increased selling fees is expected. It may depend on many factors, including the nature of the product or service being sold, the competitive landscape, and the seller's overall business strategy. For example, some sellers may absorb the increased fees as a cost of doing business to remain competitive on the platform. In contrast, others may choose to raise their prices but risk losing customers sensitive to price changes.

Ultimately, the decision to raise prices in response to increased selling fees will depend on various factors, and sellers will need to carefully evaluate their business needs and market conditions to make the best decision for their specific situation.

Does Raising Selling Prices Usually Result in Amazon Sales Down?

Raising prices can reduce sales volume as some customers may be deterred by the higher prices and choose to look elsewhere for similar products or services. The extent of the impact on sales volume will depend on some factors, including the nature of the product or service being sold, the level of competition in the market, and the overall demand for the product or service.

When a seller raises their prices, they will typically experience a change in their price elasticity, which measures the responsiveness of sales volume to changes in price. If the price elasticity is high, a slight price increase may significantly decrease sales volume. In contrast, if the price elasticity is low, a price increase may have a minimal impact on sales volume.

That said, raising prices may also lead to an increase in revenue per sale, which can partially or wholly offset the reduction in sales volume. In some cases, sellers may increase their profits by raising their prices even if they experience a reduction in sales volume, depending on the specific circumstances.

Ultimately, the impact of raising prices on sales volume will depend on various factors, and sellers should carefully evaluate their pricing strategies and monitor their sales performance to determine the best approach for their specific situation.

For More Information on Topics Concerning Sellers, We Find The Below Resources Most Helpful

Jungle Scout Blog: Jungle Scout is an all-in-one platform for Amazon Sellers, and their blog is an excellent resource for news and insights on selling on Amazon. They cover various topics, including industry trends, success stories, and expert advice.

Marketplace Pulse: Marketplace Pulse is a research firm that provides data-driven insights on e-commerce marketplaces, including Amazon. They publish regular reports and analyses on Amazon Seller fees, product trends, and competitive landscapes.

Feedvisor Blog: Feedvisor is an AI-powered platform for Amazon Sellers, and their blog offers insights on pricing strategies, advertising, and product optimization. They also cover news and updates on Amazon's policies and programs.

Seller Central Forums: Seller Central is Amazon's platform for managing your seller account, and their forums are a great place to connect with other sellers and get news and advice. The forums cover various topics, including updates on Amazon policies, new features, and best practices for selling on the platform.


While there have been reports of Amazon sales being down for third-party sellers using FBA and FBM, it's essential to remember that Amazon's overall revenue is still on the rise. Additionally, several factors may contribute to the downturn in third-party seller sales, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition on the platform. By understanding these issues and utilizing the right SEO terms, businesses can stay informed and make informed decisions about navigating the Amazon marketplace with an Amazon consulting agency.