Top 12 Winning Amazon Advertising Strategies for Sellers in 2024

Adam Wilkens


Understanding Amazon Advertising: A Guide for Sellers

Amazon's advertising platform offers a variety of ad types, each tailored to different stages of the customer's buying journey. Understanding these options is crucial for sellers looking to optimize their Amazon advertising strategy.

Sponsored Product Ads are a fundamental tool for sellers focusing on the lower end of the marketing funnel. These cost-per-click ads enhance the visibility of individual product listings. Appearing in search results and on product pages, they're ideal for reaching customers who are actively considering a purchase. These ads can be fine-tuned using either manual or automatic targeting. Manual targeting gives sellers direct control over the keywords and product categories they want to target, which is perfect for those with in-depth market knowledge. On the other hand, automatic targeting, where Amazon chooses relevant keywords based on the product listing, is great for sellers who are either new to the platform or looking to discover new keywords.

In contrast, Sponsored Brand Ads cater to the upper to middle parts of the funnel. These ads, previously known as Headline Search Ads, are about brand storytelling and product portfolio display. They are typically positioned at the top of search results, making them highly visible and effective for building brand awareness and attracting potential customers.

For targeting customers who are in the consideration phase of their buying journey, Product Display Ads are very effective. These ads are not reliant on keywords but focus on specific products, categories, or customer interests. They appear in places like product detail pages and customer review pages, and are excellent for strategies like cross-selling or capturing customers' attention as they compare options.

Lastly, the Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP) offers the most comprehensive coverage across the marketing funnel. DSP ads enable sellers to reach both on and off Amazon platforms through display, video, and audio ads. This platform is particularly powerful for its extensive reach and its ability to target customers at various stages, from those just becoming aware of a brand to loyal customers.

The choice between manual and automatic targeting largely depends on the seller's familiarity with the Amazon marketplace and their specific advertising goals. Manual targeting is better suited for those with a strong grasp of their target audience and desired keywords, offering a higher level of precision and control. Automatic targeting, while requiring less initial input, is invaluable for gaining insights into effective keywords and broadening the ad's reach.

By strategically selecting and utilizing these different ad types and targeting methods, Amazon sellers can effectively guide customers through the entire purchasing process, from initial awareness to the final decision to buy.

Understanding the basics will help you be able to take full advantage of the following strategies in 2024.

1. Leveraging Long-Tail Keywords

Core Principle:

Focusing on specific, longer phrases that are less common but highly relevant to your product.

Example - 'Products good for the garage'
                'Good gifts for your girlfriend recently dating'   

Key Points:

    These keywords often have lower competition but can attract more qualified, high-converting traffic.
    They allow you to target specific niches within your market.


    Research customer queries related to your product to find unique long-tail keywords.
    Use Amazon’s search term report to identify long-tail phrases that are leading to conversions.

2. Utilizing Brand-Relevant Keywords

Core Principle:

Building a strong brand presence on Amazon by targeting searches directly related to your brand.

Example - 'XYZ[your brand name here] Widgets[your product name here]' 

Key Points:

    Increases brand visibility and loyalty.
    Helps in defending your brand space on Amazon.


    Identify keywords that include your brand name or unique product features.
    Monitor these keywords regularly to maintain brand dominance.

3. Competitive Keyword Targeting

Core Principle:

Targeting keywords that are associated with your competitors’ brands.

Example - ABC [your competitors brand name here] Widgets [your comptitors product name here]

Key Points:

    Helps in capturing traffic that may be interested in similar products.
    A strategic way to introduce your brand to customers already in the market for similar products.


    Conduct competitor analysis to identify their top keywords.
    Bid strategically on these keywords to balance visibility and cost.

4. Category Keywords for Broader Reach

Core Principle:

Using general keywords related to your product category.

Example - Cleaning Wipes, Bicycles, Hair Dryer, Cat Food, etc 

Key Points:

    Ideal for reaching a broader audience.
    Useful for brand awareness and top-of-the-funnel marketing.


    Identify broad terms related to your product category.
    Use these keywords to capture general market traffic.

5. Mastering Match Types

Core Principle:

Utilizing different keyword match types to balance reach and relevance.

Key Points:

    Broad match for wider reach, phrase match for moderate targeting, exact match for precision.
    Each match type has its advantages and should be used based on campaign goals.


    Start with a broad match to gather data, then refine to phrase and exact matches.
    Regularly review search term reports to adjust match types.

6. Smart Use of Negative Keywords

Core Principle:

Preventing your ads from appearing in irrelevant searches.

Example - If you are finding an exact or phrase of a term is creating inefficiency, add this as a negative term. This tells the system to avoid it. 
                Negative keyword logic as telling the system to advertise on keywords EXCEPT these words. 

Key Points:

    Helps improve campaign efficiency and ROI.
    Reduces wasted spend on non-converting traffic.


    Analyze search term reports to identify irrelevant queries.
    Regularly update your negative keyword list to refine ad targeting.

7. Dynamic Bidding Strategies

Core Principle:

Adapting your bid amounts in real-time based on the likelihood of a sale.

Key Points:

    Amazon’s dynamic bidding options adjust bids based on conversion probability.
    Helps optimize ad spend for better returns.


    Test different bidding strategies (e.g., ‘down only’ or ‘up and down’) to see which works best for your products.
    Monitor performance and adjust bids based on campaign goals and market trends.

8. A/B Testing Ad Copies and Creatives

Core Principle:

Continuously testing different ad elements to determine what resonates best with your target audience.

Example - You have side by side Sponsored brand ads on the same products, and same keywords, but the tagline and creative is different. 

Key Points:

    Effective in optimizing click-through and conversion rates.
    Helps in understanding customer preferences and behaviors.


    Regularly create variations of ad copy and images.
    Use Amazon’s A/B testing tools to measure performance and make data-driven decisions.

9. Leveraging Amazon’s Sponsored Brands

Core Principle:

Utilizing Sponsored Brands ads to enhance brand visibility and storytelling.

Example - Sponsored Brand Ads (formally headline search ads) and Sponsored brand video ads. Brand registry required. 

Key Points:

    Effective for showcasing a collection of products.
    Increases brand recognition and customer trust.


    Design compelling creatives that represent your brand story.
    Use these ads to highlight unique selling points and product variety.

10. Optimizing Product Listings for Ads

Core Principle:

Ensuring your product listings are fully optimized to complement your ad strategies.

Key Points:

    High-quality listings can significantly improve ad conversion rates.
    Key elements include high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords.


    Regularly update and optimize listings for clarity, keyword inclusion, and visual appeal.
    Encourage reviews and ratings to enhance listing credibility.
    Words and phrases with most relevant traffic must be added into the detail page and advertised. 

11. Utilizing Amazon DSP for Audience Targeting

Core Principle:

Leveraging Amazon Demand Side Platform for advanced audience targeting. Upper funnel marketing activity. for brand awareness. 

Example - Advertise on and off site to follow the customer via Cookies until they convert. 

Key Points:

    Enables retargeting and reaching audiences beyond Amazon.
    Useful for brand awareness and driving repeat purchases.


    Use DSP to create targeted ad campaigns based on customer shopping behaviors.
    Integrate DSP with your overall Amazon advertising strategy for cohesive marketing.

12. Continuous Analytics and Optimization

Core Principle:

Regularly analyzing and adjusting campaigns based on performance data.
Keep in mind the ad-atribution window is 14 days. This means changes made today have an unclear picture until day 14. 
Once the campaigns are 8-12 weeks old, optmization frequency should slow and move into fine tuning. 

Key Points:

    Continuous optimization is key to staying competitive.
    Data-driven decisions lead to more efficient ad spend.


    Utilize Amazon’s analytics tools to track key performance metrics.
    Make regular adjustments in targeting, bidding, and ad creatives based on insights gained.


In conclusion, mastering Amazon advertising is crucial for sellers to succeed. Leveraging various ad types and optimization strategies is key. Considering an Amazon consulting agency can provide valuable support. With continuous analysis and refinement, sellers can achieve their goals on Amazon.