How to Spot Fake Amazon Reviews

Adam E. Wilkens


In today’s digital age, online shopping has become a staple daily, with Amazon being the go-to marketplace for a vast array of products. However, with the convenience of online shopping comes the challenge of sifting through countless reviews to determine which ones are genuine. Knowing how to spot fake Amazon reviews can help consumers avoid being misled and make better purchasing decisions. This guide will help you identify fake Amazon reviews and protect yourself from being deceived.

Understanding the Amazon Fake Reviews Ecosystem

Amazon fake reviews are more prevalent than many consumers realize. Unscrupulous sellers often pay for positive reviews or offer incentives such as gift cards and free products in exchange for glowing feedback. Conversely, some sellers post false negative reviews on competitors’ products to steer potential buyers toward their offerings. Here’s how these schemes typically work:

1. Incentivized Reviews: Customers are enticed to leave positive reviews in exchange for monetary rewards or gift cards.

2. Manipulated Ratings: Sellers may pay for bulk positive reviews to boost their product’s visibility and ranking.

3. False Negatives: Competing sellers may post negative reviews to harm the reputation of rival products.

Key Characteristics of Amazon Fake Reviews

1. Excessive Five-Star Ratings: A product with an unusually high number of five-star reviews, especially with vague or generic praise, is a red flag.

2. Lack of Detail: Amazon fake reviews often lack specific details about the product’s features and performance.

3. Similar Language: Multiple reviews with similar wording or phrases suggest the same person or group wrote them.

4. Suspicious Patterns: A sudden influx of reviews on specific dates, followed by long gaps, can indicate a coordinated fake review campaign.

5. Generic Titles: Titles such as “Great product” or “Works well” without elaboration are often signs of fake reviews.

Steps to Identify Amazon Fake Reviews

1. Filter by Most Recent Reviews: Start by switching the review filter to show the most recent reviews. This gives you a snapshot of the latest feedback, which is often more reliable.

2. Look for Balanced Reviews: Genuine reviews usually provide a balanced perspective, mentioning both pros and cons. Two, three, and four-star reviews tend to be more trustworthy.

3. Check Reviewer Profiles: Click on the reviewer’s name to see their profile. Genuine reviewers typically have a diverse history of reviewing various products.

4. Use Review Analysis Tools: Tools like Fakespot and ReviewMeta analyze reviews for authenticity, highlighting suspicious patterns and adjusting the product’s rating based on their findings.

Why Fake Reviews Amazon Persist

Mutual benefits for sellers and some consumers drive the persistence of amazon fake reviews. Sellers gain increased visibility and higher sales, while consumers receive incentives for leaving positive reviews. This creates a cycle that perpetuates the problem.

Amazon’s current review monitoring systems and customer service responses do little to curb this issue. Reviews mentioning quid-pro-quo schemes are often filtered out, and reports to customer service typically result in vague assurances without tangible outcomes.

Amazon’s Efforts and Consumer Vigilance

Amazon continually works to combat fake reviews, but the sheer volume of products and reviews makes this a challenging task. Programs like the Vine Program, where selected reviewers receive products for honest feedback, aim to enhance review quality. However, these programs also have their critics and limitations.

Vigilance is key for consumers. Use the tips and tools mentioned above to reduce the likelihood of being misled by amazon fake reviews. Additionally, look for reviews on multiple platforms and be cautious of products with reviews only on Amazon.

Practical Tips for Spotting Amazon Fake Reviews

1. Verify Product Listings: Ensure that the reviews match the product in the listing. Sometimes, listings include multiple products or newer versions that may not correspond with older reviews.

2. Check Review Dates: Look for patterns in the review dates. Clusters of reviews on specific dates with long gaps in between can indicate a fake review campaign.

3. Analyze Review Content: Genuine reviews often include specific product performance, features, and usage details. Vague and overly enthusiastic reviews without specifics are often fake.

4. Explore Reviewer Histories: Genuine reviewers usually have a history of reviewing various products. Profiles with only a few highly rated reviews are suspicious.

5. Utilize Third-Party Tools: Tools like Fakespot and ReviewMeta provide an analysis of review authenticity, highlighting patterns and adjusting ratings based on their findings.

Amazon’s Response to Fake Reviews

Amazon constantly battles fake reviews, employing sophisticated algorithms and AI to detect and remove suspicious reviews. However, the sheer volume of goods and reviews on the platform makes this a daunting task. Some measures Amazon has implemented include:

1. Verified Purchase Badges: These badges indicate that the reviewer purchased the product through Amazon. However, some sellers refund purchases to get this badge for fake reviews.

2. Amazon Vine Program: This program selects top reviewers to receive free products in exchange for honest reviews. While these reviews tend to be more detailed and trustworthy, the program has limitations.

3. AI and Fraud Detection: Amazon uses AI to investigate suspicious reviews by examining the reviewer’s history, sign-ins, and relationships with other online accounts. However, AI can be a double-edged sword, as it can also be used to generate fake reviews.


Amazon fake reviews undermine the trust consumers place in online shopping platforms like Amazon. By spotting the signs of fake reviews, you can protect yourself from misleading information and make informed purchasing decisions. A little due diligence can go a long way in ensuring you get value for your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Amazon identify fake reviews?

Amazon uses sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence to detect suspicious reviews. These systems analyze patterns, review histories, and account relationships to identify and remove amazon fake reviews.

How do you check if a review on Amazon is real or fake?

To check if a review is real, look for detailed and specific feedback, balanced opinions, and consistent review patterns. For additional analysis, use tools like Fakespot and ReviewMeta.

How often are Amazon reviews fake?

While it’s difficult to determine an exact percentage, studies suggest that many reviews, especially for less well-known brands and cheaper products, can be fake.

Does Amazon remove fake reviews?

Yes, Amazon actively removes fake reviews using automated systems and manual checks. However, the sheer volume of reviews means some fake reviews may still slip through.