What are Amazon Upc Code? How to Change It

Adam E Wilkens


Confused by Amazon UPC codes? Don't worry! This guide simplifies everything. Learn what these codes are, why you need them, and how to get new ones or update existing ones on your product listings. Ensure smooth sailing on Amazon with clear and compliant UPC codes!

What are Amazon UPC Codes?

Ever wondered what those unique product codes on Amazon are? Those are UPC codes for Amazon, essential identifiers for sellers on the platform. This guide unravels their purpose and simplifies the process of acquiring or updating them for your listings.

How To Get Upc Codes For Amazon?

Selling on Amazon requires most products to have a UPC (Universal Product Code), a unique identifier that tracks and differentiates your items within the marketplace. To obtain UPC codes, you have two main options:

  • GS1 (Global Standards One): The official source for UPC codes, GS1 offers various membership plans allowing you to purchase individual or bulk codes. This ensures guaranteed legitimacy but may come at a slightly higher cost.

  • Third-Party Vendors: Several online retailers offer UPC codes at potentially lower prices than GS1. While tempting, verification of legitimacy is crucial. Choose reputable vendors with positive customer reviews to avoid issues.

Have You been Struggling to Edit the UPC Codes for Amazon of Your Product in Vendor Central?

Fear not, we have you covered.

It is quite an easy process, but the stars do need to align in order for it to be completed properly.

The first thig you will need is your GS1 certificate, which shows that you own the UPC prefix.

You will get this from www.gs1.us.org , you should be able to download it at any time. If you do not own your UPC prefix, you will need to contact the person you retrieved or purchased your UPC codes from in order to generate the certificate. The GS1 certificate proves who the prefix is registered to, this is why Amazon wants to see the GS1, so they can verify you own the existing UPC tied to the ASIN, therefore are authorized to make changes relating to the product UPC.

Once you have this, you now can create a case inside vendor central in order to make this change.

It cannot be done from inside the Catalog Manager because it will be a locked field.

The most important part of this process is the fact that you HAVE to create a product outage in order for this process to be successful. So be sure to visit 'Reports' then 'Retail Analytics' then 'Inventory' and check how many units are in stock, and how many are in open order.

Once you understand how many are in stock, you will want to change the availability status inside the Catalog Manager on the ASIN to Temporarily Unavailable and begin rejecting any PO’s for this item. Assuming this item is not overstocked, expect 4-8 weeks to go by before the item is completely drained from their system. It is important to get the stock to 0. This is crucial because the retail inventory cannot have more than 1 barcode mapped to an ASIN. This is why your previous attempts have likely been failing. If Amazon were to accept a barcode change, the preexisting inventory in the network would have an Identifier no longer tied to the ASIN in question.

OK… So Lets Fast Forward. We are Now OOS (Out of Stock). We have the GS1. We are Ready to Fix this.

Step #1 Navigate to 'Support' then 'Contact US' Step #2 Select your Business Group Step #3 Select “Manage My Catalog” Step #4 Select “Item ID Update (EAN, SKU, UPC, Model #, ISBN)” Step #5 Select “Still Need Help” and Then “Send an Email”

How To Change UPC In Vendor Central.png

Problems Changing UPC In Vendor Central.png

Fill out the form in its entirety, attach the GS1, and tell them you need to make a mandatory UPC change. Provide a link to the item from your website as website proof that you are the owner. Tell Amazon the UPC has changed, it’s out of stock. Hit Submit.

End Note

You should get a response back from Amazon that the change will be live in 24-72 hours and will reflect on the next PO cycle.

Efficiently managing UPC codes in Amazon Vendor Central can often seem intricate, but it holds the key to streamlined product listings and sales. Considering expert guidance can make a difference if you aim to optimize your Amazon operations to their fullest potential. An Amazon consulting agency service can help you easily navigate such complexities, ensuring that your business thrives on the world's leading e-commerce platform. Discover our tailored services, and let us guide you through every facet of Amazon's ecosystem for optimal success.