Amazon Search Suppressed: Tips to Avoid and How to Fix It

Adam Wilkens


What Causes a Suppressed Amazon Listing?

Addressing search suppressed Amazon listings is a critical aspect of maintaining a successful storefront on the platform. When a listing is suppressed, it means that it's not visible to potential buyers, which can significantly impact a seller's revenue and brand visibility. There are several reasons why Amazon might suppress a listing, ranging from incomplete or incorrect product information to policy violations and safety concerns. Understanding what does search suppressed mean on Amazon and identifying and correcting these issues requires a thorough understanding of Amazon's policies and guidelines, as well as regular monitoring of your Seller Central account.

Complete and Accurate Product Information

To begin, it's essential to ensure that all product information is complete and accurate. Amazon requires detailed product descriptions, titles, and identifiers such as UPCs or EANs. Sellers should regularly check the 'Inventory' tab for alerts indicating missing or incorrect information and update their listings accordingly. Additionally, product images must meet Amazon's quality standards, including a white background and a minimum size requirement. Notifications in the 'Manage Inventory' section will alert sellers to any images that don't comply. Make sure all images are to Amazon standard, this includes use of only a white background on main images. We recommend at least 2000x2000 jpg for size so that the images can be zoomed.

You can sort and locate items that are not complete, suppressed, detail page removed, etc on your manage inventory screen. Additionally, if any items are stranded you will find these on your home screen when you log in to Seller Central.

Pricing Issues

Pricing issues can also lead to Amazon listing suppression. Sellers should use the 'Pricing Dashboard' to stay competitive while avoiding pricing errors. For instance, if the product you are selling is not competitive with internal (other 3P seller offers) or external (prices at other major retailers) prices, you will not be buy box eligible. This means you will not be the featured offer on the live, customer-facing side, resulting in zero sales for your store. This feature is quite controversial and one of the many reasons why the FTC is always looking at Amazon for unfair trade practices. Their algorithm forces you to always have the lowest price.

Prohibited Products and Policy Compliance

For those dealing with prohibited products, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with Amazon's 'Restricted Products' policies to avoid listing items that violate platform rules. Similarly, adherence to all of Amazon's selling policies is non-negotiable. The 'Account Health’ dashboard helps sellers monitor their compliance and address any violations promptly.

Amazon expects you to avoid listing any products which are not allowed on the platform, this includes guns and drugs, products that have strict state or federal laws against. If you are in a product category which requires special testing, Amazon assumes that you have this testing. Do not be surprised when they ask to see it. If you are flagged for making claims for which you do not have supporting documentation from 3rd party laboratories, the only course of action will be to remove all of those claims and words which triggered the violation from your detail page.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics play a significant role in Amazon search suppressed and listing visibility. High order defect rates, late shipment rates, or poor customer feedback can all result in suppression. Improving fulfillment processes and customer service is often necessary to meet Amazon's performance standards. Inventory management is another critical area, with the 'Manage Inventory' section providing insights into stock levels and discrepancies.

Account Health Monitoring

There are several processes that you need to perform every day, this includes a thorough examination of your account health menu. Check for performance notifications, and make sure all are marked as read. Check for any active violations or product certification requests. You should also be checking your ‘voice of the customer’ menu so that you can monitor any negative return experiences, reviews, or feedback to avoid any cascading negativity. Account health monitoring is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy account, much like going to the dentist. A bit of preventative maintenance is good for you and goes a long way, especially if you're dealing with search suppressed Amazon listings.

Listing Details Accuracy

Listing details must accurately reflect the product being sold. Any mismatches in model numbers, brand names, or specifications can cause suppression. Sellers should diligently review their listings for accuracy and make necessary corrections, especially if they're dealing with search suppressed Amazon listings. Safety concerns, including products that pose risks or have been flagged in recalls, require immediate attention. Sellers may need to remove the listing or cooperate with Amazon to resolve the issue. Also in your manage inventory menu, you have access to a listing tool known as the LQD or “Listing Quality Dashboard.” Inside here, you may have missing attributes required to activate a product.

Intellectual Property Complaints

Lastly, intellectual property complaints can lead to suppression. Sellers receiving such complaints must either resolve the issue with the rights owner or, if unjustified, submit a counter-notice. Regularly monitoring email and the 'Performance Notifications' section is vital for catching and addressing these complaints early. The Amazon algorithm is getting much smarter and looks for conflicting attributes in places not previously known, this includes; keywords, browse nodes, image keywords within the A+ content. Make sure to avoid any restricted wording in keywords input anywhere (excluding advertising).

Providing Plan of Action (POA)

In the event you need to provide Amazon with a POA, or plan of action, it must be thorough and include three sections; What went wrong, How did you correct the issue, and What will you do to prevent the issue from reoccurring in the future. Be sure to cite the exact policies violated, a thorough review of all account details mentioned in this article, review of your inventory, the detail page, and corrective measures taken. This is particularly crucial if your listings are experiencing Amazon search suppressed.


In conclusion, maintaining visibility on Amazon requires continuous vigilance and adherence to the platform's extensive guidelines. By staying informed about what does search suppressed mean on Amazon, regularly reviewing your listings, and utilizing the tools provided in Seller Central, sellers can effectively manage their listings and avoid Amazon listing suppression. Addressing issues promptly, whether related to product information, pricing, policy compliance, or safety, ensures that your products remain visible to Amazon's vast customer base, ultimately contributing to a successful selling experience on the platform.

For more information on topics relating to this article, please review our other posts concerning words that can get your products restricted along with other best practices to maintain good account health. Additionally, consider leveraging the expertise of a full service Amazon consulting agency for expert guidance in optimizing your Amazon presence.