How to Optimize for Amazon Voice Search

Adam Wilkens


What is Voice Search for Amazon?

Voice search on Amazon refers to the ability of users to search for products on Amazon using voice commands, typically through digital assistants like Amazon's Alexa. This technology leverages natural language processing and machine learning to understand and process user queries. When a user asks for a product or a category of products using voice commands, the system interprets the request and returns relevant search results. As more consumers adopt smart home devices and voice-activated assistants, optimizing product listings and content for amazon voice search becomes increasingly important for brands looking to enhance their visibility and sales on the platform.

How Shoppers Use Voice Search on Amazon


Shoppers use voice search for its convenience, especially when their hands are occupied or when they prefer a quicker search method than typing.

Product Searches:

Users commonly ask for products by name or by describing the product. For example, "Alexa, find running shoes for men" or "Alexa, what are the best wireless headphones?"


Voice search is often used for reordering products that have been purchased before. For instance, "Alexa, reorder my last brand of coffee."

Information Queries:

Shoppers also use voice search to ask questions about products, like price comparisons, product features, or reviews.

Voice-Enabled Shopping Decisions:

Users might ask for the best-rated or most popular products in a category, relying on voice search to guide their shopping decisions.

How Amazon Sellers Can Leverage Voice Search

Optimize for Natural Language:

Since voice searches are more conversational, sellers should include natural language phrases and long-tail keywords in their product listings.

Focus on Local SEO:

For businesses that also have a physical presence, optimizing for local SEO can be beneficial as users might search for products available nearby.

Enhance Product Titles and Descriptions:

Product titles and descriptions should be clear, concise, and include relevant keywords that a user might speak.

Leverage Amazon's Choice Badge:

Products that earn the "Amazon's Choice" badge are more likely to be recommended in voice searches. This badge is given to highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.

Encourage Reviews:

Positive reviews can influence voice search results. Sellers should encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews.

Use Backend Search Terms:

Utilize the backend search terms in the Amazon Seller Central to include relevant keywords that might be used in voice searches.

Stay Informed on Trends:

Keep up with trending phrases and product-specific jargon that might be used in voice searches.

Modifying Listing Page Content for Voice Search Optimization

Use Conversational Phrases:

Incorporate phrases and questions in the product descriptions that users might use in everyday speech.

Highlight Key Features in Bullet Points:

Since voice search results need to be concise, having key features in bullet points can help the voice assistant relay information effectively.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensure that the product detail page is mobile-friendly, as many voice searches are done via mobile devices.

Include FAQs:

Add a section of frequently asked questions that covers common voice queries related to the product.

Use Schema Markup:

Although more technical, using schema markup can help in making the product details more accessible to voice search algorithms.

Regularly Update Content:

Keep the product information, including pricing and availability, up to date, as outdated information can negatively impact voice search results.

By strategically optimizing their content and understanding the nuances of how customers use voice search, Amazon sellers can significantly enhance their visibility and appeal in this increasingly voice-driven shopping landscape. Leveraging an Amazon consulting agency can further amplify their efforts, providing expert guidance and insights tailored to navigating the complexities of the platform and maximizing sales potential.