How to Find the Perfect Product to Sell on Amazon: The Best Ways in 2024

Adam E. Wilkens


Finding the right product to sell on Amazon is key to building a successful online business. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, understanding how to identify profitable products can make a huge difference. Let’s dive into how you can find that perfect product and stand out in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Why Market Research is Crucial

When it comes to selling on Amazon, market research is your best friend. This means looking at what’s popular, understanding what customers need, and checking out your competition. You can use tools like Amazon’s Best Seller Rank, Product Opportunity Explorer, and even third-party tools like JungleScout and AMZScout to get insights. These tools help you see what products are trending and where there might be opportunities.

Adding Value: The Secret Sauce

One of the biggest keys to Amazon’s success is adding value to your products. Value means making your product more useful or attractive to buyers. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Solve a Problem: Think about common problems people face and create a product that solves them. For example, imagine a peanut butter that already has jelly mixed in. It saves time and is more convenient for customers.

2. Improve Features: Look at existing products and consider how to improve them. Maybe add an ergonomic handle to a kitchen tool or incorporate smart features into home devices.

3. Bundle Products: Offer a bundle that includes complementary items. This not only adds value but can also make your product more appealing. For instance, if you’re selling a yoga mat, you could include a strap and a storage bag.

Finding Your Niche

A niche product targets a specific group of people with specific needs. These products often have less competition, making ranking higher in search results easier. Here’s how to find a niche product:

• Search for specific terms on Amazon and see what comes up.

• Look at the search frequency and how many products are available.

• Use Amazon tools like Movers and Shakers, Hot New Releases, and Most Wished For to find emerging trends.

What to Avoid

Avoiding commodity products is crucial. These are items that are widely available and very similar to each other, like charging cables, zip ties, and basic kitchen goods. The market for these products is crowded, making it hard to compete. Instead, focus on finding unique or improved versions of these products to stand out.

The Benefits of Private Labeling

Creating your own brand, also known as private labeling, has many benefits:

1. Brand Control: You have control over how your brand looks and feels, from packaging to marketing.

2. Exclusive Amazon Tools: Access tools like A+ Content, Brand Analytics, and Vine, which can significantly enhance your product listings and marketing.

3. Trademark Protection: Amazon’s Brand Registry protects your brand from counterfeiters and unauthorized sellers. It’s easy to get a trademark, and Amazon even offers an IP Accelerator program to help speed up the process.

Picking the Right Product

Choosing the right product involves several considerations:

Cost and Pricing: Ensure a good profit margin between your cost, Amazon’s fees, and the sale price.

Shipping: Consider how easy and cost-effective it is to ship your product. Lighter, smaller items usually cost less to ship.

Competition: Look at what other sellers offer and think about how to make your product better or more affordable.

Customer Demand: Tools like Google Trends and Amazon’s Best Seller lists can help you see what products are popular and in demand.

Ensuring Profitability

Before investing in a product, use Amazon’s revenue calculator to estimate your costs and potential profits. This tool lets you compare different price points to see what works best. There are also third-party tools like Profit Guru that can give you more detailed insights.

Expert Guidance for Amazon Sellers

Navigating the Amazon marketplace can be challenging, but you can achieve great success with expert guidance. We use our knowledge and experience to help businesses like yours boost visibility, increase sales, and improve customer satisfaction. By working with us, you can unlock the full potential of your Amazon venture and turn your aspirations into achievements.

Real-Life Example: Finding a Winning Product

Let’s say you’re interested in selling a new kitchen gadget. Start by researching popular kitchen tools on Amazon. Look at customer reviews to find common complaints or suggestions. Maybe people love a certain garlic press but wish it had a better grip. You could develop a garlic press with an ergonomic handle and market it as a solution to their problem.

Use Amazon’s Best Seller Rank to see how similar products are performing. If you notice that garlic presses are popular, but the top-rated ones don’t address the grip issue, you’ve found your opportunity.

Utilizing Amazon’s Tools

Amazon provides several tools to help sellers find profitable products:

Hot New Releases: These are items that were recently listed and are already bestsellers. This can give you insight into emerging trends.

Movers and Shakers: These products are quickly gaining popularity in their categories. It’s a good way to spot rising stars.

Most Wished For: These items are frequently added to wishlists and registries. It indicates high customer interest.

Product Opportunity Explorer: This tool helps you see how many users are searching for certain keywords and can give you deep insights into customer behavior.

Third-Party Tools for Deeper Insights

In addition to Amazon’s tools, third-party platforms like Google Trends, eBay, Etsy, Alibaba, and Aliexpress can help you understand market trends. These platforms show what’s popular and how many products are selling, which can help you make informed decisions.

Sourcing Your Products

Once you’ve identified a product, you need to decide how to source it. Here are some options:

  1. Retail Arbitrage: Buy discounted products from retail stores and resell them on Amazon. It’s a low-risk way to start, but it can be hard to scale.

  2. Dropshipping: Source products from third-party suppliers who ship directly to customers. This model requires no inventory but has specific rules you must follow.

  3. Print-on-Demand: Ideal for designers and artists. When a customer orders a product, the design is printed on the item and shipped to them.

  4. Wholesaling: Buy products in bulk from wholesalers. It’s easier to develop a niche and manage inventory with this method.

  5. Direct Sourcing: Purchase products directly from manufacturers. This can lower costs and allow for custom products.

  6. Private Labeling: Source generic products and brand them as your own. This is great for building a unique brand without starting from scratch.

  7. Handmade: If you create products by hand, you can apply them to sell in Amazon’s Handmade section. It’s perfect for artisans and creatives.


Finding the perfect product to sell on Amazon involves research, creativity, and strategic planning. By adding value, identifying niche opportunities, and using the right tools, you can set yourself up for success. Remember, the goal is not just to find a product but to find the right one that offers customers something unique and valuable. With expert guidance and the right approach, you can navigate the Amazon marketplace and achieve your business goals.