Amazon's Return Policy: 2024 Updates for FBA Sellers

Adam Wilkens


Navigating Amazon's Return Policy: What Sellers Need to Know

Amazon has grown into one of the largest e-commerce marketplaces in the world, partly due to its customer-centric policies, which include a well-known and straightforward return policy. For customers, this has been a blessing, making online shopping almost risk-free. However, the same policies that make shopping easier can present significant challenges for Amazon sellers. Understanding the intricacies of Amazon new return policy and knowing how to effectively manage returns is crucial for sellers to maintain profitability and customer satisfaction.

Amazon's Customer Return Policy: A Quick Overview

Amazon's return policy allows customers to return most items within 30 days of receipt. The company aims to streamline the process, ensuring customers find it easy to return items that don’t meet their expectations. However, the impact on sellers can vary widely, depending on factors like the type of product, price point, and the seller's preferred method for handling returns.

Amazon automatically deducts the return cost from the seller’s account unless the seller opts for a free return policy. This ensures a hassle-free experience for the customer, but it’s crucial for sellers to understand the various options they have to manage returns effectively.

Effective Strategies for Managing Amazon New Return Policy

Automatic Unfulfillable Returns Every Two Weeks:

Amazon offers sellers the option to have unfulfillable returns automatically sent back to them every two weeks. This option is ideal for sellers who want to inspect returned items personally to assess their condition and potential for resale. Sellers can identify defects or signs of wear, helping them decide the best course of action for each item, whether that’s refurbishing, liquidating, or disposing of the product.


This is one of the newer features of Amazon's return policy change. Refurbishment is a valuable option for sellers of electronic goods or other products that can be restored to a saleable condition with minor repairs or repackaging. Amazon offers refurbishment services for eligible products, allowing sellers to pay a fee to have items inspected, repaired, and repackaged. Once refurbished, these items can be sold again, often at a lower price, but still recouping some value for the seller.


Liquidation involves selling returned items in bulk to liquidation partners, who typically sell these products through discount channels or secondary markets. This option allows sellers to quickly offload inventory that is unfit for regular sale while still recovering some of its value. Liquidation is beneficial for sellers dealing with high volumes of returns or products that are difficult to repair or resell individually.

Disposal of All Returns:

In some cases, especially for certain product categories like perishables, consumables, or low-priced items, it’s more cost-effective to dispose of returned products rather than paying for their return shipping or refurbishment. Amazon offers disposal services, where the company handles the disposal of unfulfillable inventory on behalf of sellers, ensuring it’s done responsibly and efficiently. This option is particularly useful for sellers who don't have the means or capacity to handle returned products themselves.

Key Factors for Sellers to Strategize Return Management

The choice of return management strategy depends on several factors unique to each seller’s business model:

Product Type:

High-value products with a longer lifespan, such as electronics, furniture, or branded apparel, might benefit from refurbishment services or being inspected for potential resale. On the other hand, consumable items, personal care products, or perishables generally require disposal, as resale is usually not an option.

Product Pricing:

Lower-priced products often aren’t worth returning to the seller due to the cost of shipping and handling. For these products, disposal or liquidation is usually the best choice.

Return Volume:

Sellers who experience high return volumes might find liquidation or disposal more efficient. However, for low return volumes, having items returned for inspection might be more manageable.

Return Policies and Customer Satisfaction:

A lenient return policy might increase sales but also the number of returns. Sellers need to balance customer satisfaction with operational costs by choosing the most suitable return policy and management strategy.

Rising Trends and Challenges in E-commerce Returns

E-commerce returns continue to grow, paralleling the growth of online shopping. According to recent studies, the return rate for online purchases is significantly higher than for brick-and-mortar retail, with some reports estimating it to be around 30%. This trend, compounded by customer expectations for free returns and the ease of sending back items, presents ongoing challenges for sellers.

Key Challenges Include:

Fraudulent Returns: Some customers exploit return policies, returning used or counterfeit items.

Logistics Costs: Shipping and handling costs associated with returns can significantly impact profit margins.

Inventory Management: Returned items often require additional handling, complicating inventory management and storage.


Optimized Return Policies: Sellers are increasingly adopting sophisticated data analytics to identify patterns and reduce return fraud or abuse.

Automated Returns Management: Automation is being used to streamline return processes, reducing the burden on customer service teams and improving efficiency.

Third-Party Returns Solutions: Many sellers are partnering with third-party logistics providers to manage returns, enabling them to focus on core business activities.

Final Thoughts

Amazon's return policy provides customers with a seamless return experience, but managing returns is a complex process that requires careful strategy and planning from sellers. By understanding the various options available for handling returns, sellers can choose the approach that best aligns with their products, pricing, and business needs. Whether it’s refurbishment, liquidation, disposal, or automatic return management, each method has its pros and cons that sellers need to weigh against their operational capabilities and customer satisfaction goals. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, sellers must stay agile and informed to navigate the challenges of returns effectively while maintaining profitability and meeting customer expectations. An Amazon consulting agency can offer valuable guidance in optimizing return management strategies for sellers.